2012年12月18日 星期二
Mega Quakes, Magnetic Field Anomalies & Aurora’s: Proof An Outside Force Is Affecting Earth
Huge Earthquakes
across the world, unexplained booms, mass animal deaths, birds falling from the
sky, anomalies with our magnetic field. Think that they are all unrelated? You
would be quite wrong! This video provides an in depth investigation using
documented public data that proves that something very strange is going on and
that we deserve some answers to.
2012年12月13日 星期四
WASHINGTON – North Korea’s
apparently successful launch of a three-stage rocket with a range that could
reach the United States has U.S. officials concerned about the Hermit Kingdom’s
potential to launch an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack.
North Korea is not assessed
to be able to miniaturize a nuclear weapon to fit on a long-range rocket – at
least not yet – even though it has an active nuclear weapons development
The concern over North
Korea’s potential to develop the capability to launch an EMP attack is due to
the country’s instability and isolation and the defiance it has shown – even to
close friends China and Russia. Beijing and Moscow have been unable to influence
the behavior of North Korea’s leaders.
China already has expressed
concern with North Korean officials over the launch, and the United Nations
Security Council, on which China is a permanent member, already has condemned
After the North’s failed
launch last April, the Security Council demanded that Pyongyang stop further
launch attempts using what amounts to ballistic missile technology. North Korea
has been a member of the U.N. since 1991.
Sources say that North
Korea is steeped in symbolism, and the launch was to coincide with the one-year
anniversary of the death of dictator Kim Jung Il, father of the current leader,
28-year-old Kim Jung Un. It also comes before the South Korean presidential
election on Dec. 19 and Japan’s next general election scheduled for Dec. 16 to
elect members of its parliament, or Diet.
The missile launched, the
Unha-3, is a three-stage Taepodong-2 missile.
Its technology is a little
better than North Korea’s nuclear weapons development, since the country is
actually an exporter of missile technology to nations such as Iran, Syria, Libya
and Egypt.
The success of the launch
of its Taepodong-2 also may help bolster the potential for future missile sales.
Informed sources say that representatives from the four Middle East countries
were on hand for the latest rocket launch.
While the North Koreans
said that the launch was to put a satellite into orbit, Western experts agree
that the same technological know-how provides the capability to send a warhead
as far as the United States.
With the knowledge of
orbiting capability, experts say, such a power projection could could give North
Korea the ability to reach even beyond California. An orbiting warhead could be
placed anywhere and released on command to de-orbit and hit any location within
the U.S.
Or, North Korea could
explode an orbiting warhead in the atmosphere some 150 miles above a target,
creating an electromagnetic pulse that could knock out the highly vulnerable
grid system of the U.S.
Experts agree that such an
EMP exploding high above Kansas, for example, would knock out a majority of
America’s national grid system.
This scenario, which isn’t
too far-fetched given the latest technical demonstration, recently was depicted
in the popular movie “Red Dawn,” in which the North Koreans use an EMP to knock
out the U.S. electrical grid system in the Northwest.
In the movie, the North
Koreans knock out all electricity as well as all command and control and
communications and the ability to detect such a threat.
With the help of the
Russians, as shown in the movie, the North Koreans are able to stage a land
invasion on the U.S.
For years, U.S. experts
have expressed concern about the catastrophic impact of an EMP event either from
a nuclear attack or a massive solar storm, as revealed in the comprehensive 2008
congressional report by the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States
from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. The EMP commission pointed
The electromagnetic pulse
generated by a high altitude nuclear explosion is one of a small number of
threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic
The increasingly pervasive
use of electronics of all forms represents the greatest source of vulnerability
to attack by EMP. Electronics are used to control, communicate, compute, store,
manage, and implement nearly every aspect of United States (U.S.) civilian
systems. When a nuclear explosion occurs at high altitude, the EMP signal it
produces will cover the wide geographic region within the line of sight of the
This broad band, high
amplitude EMP, when coupled into sensitive electronics, has the capability to
produce widespread and long lasting disruption and damage to the critical
infrastructures that underpin the fabric of U.S.
Because of the ubiquitous
dependence of U.S. society on the electrical power system its vulnerability to
an EMP attack, coupled with the EMP’s particular damage mechanisms, creates the
possibility of long-term, catastrophic consequences. The implicit invitation to
take advantage of this vulnerability, when coupled with increasing proliferation
of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, is a serious concern. A single
EMP attack may seriously degrade or shut down a large part of the electric power
grid in the geographic area of EMP exposure effectively instantaneously. There
is also a possibility of functional collapse of grids beyond the exposed area,
as electrical effects propagate from one region to
The launch is giving the
North Koreans the ability to glean valuable information about launching an EMP
to wreak havoc on the U.S. national grid system.
It also represents a
serious U.S. intelligence failure of North Korean capabilities, according to
informed sources. The failure comes in the surprise that such a launch had
occurred, according to sources.
U.S. satellites had
detected the possibility of a launch, but at one point the North Koreans stood
down from launch preparations, claiming technical problems. But they had
concealed last-minute launch preparations in what sources say was probably a
serious North Korean deception and disinformation
For years, it has been
known to the U.S. intelligence community that the North Koreans are experts in
the art of deception and concealment.
Experts believe that in
addition to a new military capability, the launch was designed to give the North
Koreans greater influence in diplomatic talks and to obtain more humanitarian
In a country in which vast
numbers of the population are starving, the government has devoted its limited
resources to ambitious missile and nuclear weapons programs. The effort gives
the leadership greater leverage in future international discussions along with
its symbolic value.
Officials also see the
launch as a means for Kim Jong Un to consolidate his own power grip and display
North Korea’s military capabilities.
North Korea today has a
million troops opposite across the Demilitarized Zone, which isn’t far from
South Korea’s capital of Seoul. There are some 34,000 U.S. troops sandwiched
between the South Korean capital and the DMZ.
F. Michael Maloof, senior
staff writer for the WND/ G2Bulletin, is a former security policy analyst in the
Office of the Secretary of Defense. He can be contacted at mmaloof@wnd.com.
2012年12月12日 星期三
The Elite’s Plan For World-Wide Genocide Revealed (Video)
this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current
Transparent House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes
scientific elite’s true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a
global government to rule.
Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how Transparent House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century.
Holdren calls himself a “neo-Malthusian” in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a “Science Court,” where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don’t conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren’s “planetary regime”. He also seeks to institute “de-development” worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back to “pre-industrial civilization” where average life spans would not be much more than 30 years.
Holdren’s co-author, Paul Ehrlich, is a discredited crank who wrote books in the 70′s claiming that England would not exist as a land mass by the year 2000 because of climate change. As Tarpley explains, Ehrlich’s warning of a “population bomb” has proven incorrect, with population in Europe, Japan and the United States falling when immigration is removed from the equation.
Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how Transparent House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century.
Holdren calls himself a “neo-Malthusian” in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a “Science Court,” where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don’t conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren’s “planetary regime”. He also seeks to institute “de-development” worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back to “pre-industrial civilization” where average life spans would not be much more than 30 years.
Holdren’s co-author, Paul Ehrlich, is a discredited crank who wrote books in the 70′s claiming that England would not exist as a land mass by the year 2000 because of climate change. As Tarpley explains, Ehrlich’s warning of a “population bomb” has proven incorrect, with population in Europe, Japan and the United States falling when immigration is removed from the equation.
Photos: Chinese Farmer Builds Apocalypse-Proof ‘Noah’s Ark’ Pods
Somebody out there
is preparing for 2012!!!

Liu was inspired by the
blockbuster film “2012” and the massive earthquake and tsunami that ravaged
Indonesia and Thailand in 2004 and killed hundreds of thousands, reported
AFP.Liu Qiyuan, a Chinese farmer from the village of Qiantun in northern Hebei
Province, located just south of Beijing, has built what he describes as “Noah’s
Ark” survival pods in case of a cataclysmic event.
He hopes that his circular pods are adopted by government agencies and international organizations in the event of earthquakes and tsunamis.
His seven pods, which are airtight, are made out of a fiberglass shell wrapped around a steel frame. They are able to float on water. Some of them even have their own propulsion device installed.
They also come complete with oxygen tanks and can hold as many as 14 people.
The Dec. 21, 2012, Mayan prophecy, which some people have interpreted as the end of the world, struck a nerve with ordinary Chinese after the “2012” film gained popularity there in 2009.
Last month, it was reported that Lu Zhenghai, a man from Xinjiang, spent some $150,000 dollars to build his own “Noah’s Ark”-like vessel. According to the Daily Mail tabloid, he spend his entire life savings on constructing the ship.
Liu Qiyuan poses with his
pods in Hebei Province in China on Dec. 11, 2012. (Ed Jones/AFP/Getty
He hopes that his circular pods are adopted by government agencies and international organizations in the event of earthquakes and tsunamis.
His seven pods, which are airtight, are made out of a fiberglass shell wrapped around a steel frame. They are able to float on water. Some of them even have their own propulsion device installed.
They also come complete with oxygen tanks and can hold as many as 14 people.
The Dec. 21, 2012, Mayan prophecy, which some people have interpreted as the end of the world, struck a nerve with ordinary Chinese after the “2012” film gained popularity there in 2009.
Last month, it was reported that Lu Zhenghai, a man from Xinjiang, spent some $150,000 dollars to build his own “Noah’s Ark”-like vessel. According to the Daily Mail tabloid, he spend his entire life savings on constructing the ship.
2012年12月11日 星期二
Europe Is Now Sinking Fast: The good are being dragged down by the bad
the Eurozone having being displaced from the financial headlines by the American
presidential election, you might have briefly thought that its problems had gone
away. They haven’t.
It’s just that the public
is expected to absorb one major story at a time. And now that the presidential
election is done and dusted, Europe is rapidly returning to the headlines. This
is not desired by the powers-that-be, who desperately need us to believe things
will get better with a little patience.
Behind the scenes, in order
to prevent a systemic crisis, the authorities (through the European Central
Bank) have been hard at work keeping a lid on interest rates for Spain and
Italy, which act as everyone’s market bellweather. Their strategy focuses on the
hope that high bond yields are just a lack of 'animal spirits' – and if only
they can be reignited!
Time is working against all
countries in the Eurozone because the good are being dragged down by the
You don’t have to be an
economic genius to understand that the perpetual uncertainty over the Eurozone’s
future has led to a widespread freeze on industrial investment and development.
Industrial production is collapsing at an accelerating rate, falling 7%
year-on-year in Spain and Greece, 4.8% in Italy, and 2.1% in France. The
downtrends for industrial production are readily apparent in the chart
The businesses that are
doing well (and there are some) are those businesses with strong balance sheets
and solid export order books for non-Eurozone markets; unfortunately, they are
concentrated in countries like Germany, Holland, Finland, and Austria. They are
not located where they can contribute to economic progress in Spain, Italy,
Greece, or France, and so they are not adding to the tax revenue desperately
sought by those governments.
Despite the recent deal
worked out with Greece, the old cliché about kicking the can down the road is
close to becoming no longer possible. Deferring the inevitable is only a
political option so long as there is no immediate damage from doing so. But this
is no longer true in the Eurozone, where political procrastination is now
identifiably responsible for social unrest. It’s not just the trade unionists in
revolt; now it is the middle classes as well. Doctors and teachers in Greece do
not get paid anymore, and it is going that way in Spain, with regional
governments surviving by simply not paying their bills. Government is destroying
society, proving the falsity of the heretofore accepted belief (in Europe,
anyway) that government makes society better. But then, anyone who has bothered
to read Hayek’s The
Road to Serfdom will not be surprised.
What was not anticipated in
Hayek’s masterpiece is the divided state that is emerging. Greece is part of a
larger EU and Eurozone bureaucracy and cannot achieve statist ends by turning
her citizens into serfs. The government itself is subservient to higher
authorities and is now having that medicine applied to it by its peers. Every
visit by the Troika (collectively the European Central Bank (ECB), International
Monetary Fund (IMF), and the European Commission) screws the Greek government
further towards its own serfdom.
Keep in mind just one
thing: Greece is utterly broke and cannot escape that fact. All of the posturing
by the three Troika members is designed to avoid facing this reality. The
political elite drive this party line and rigidly conform to it. However, there
is increasing unease among powerful elements in the background, and in
particular, sound money advocates in the Bundesbank are deliberately pushing for
different solutions than those pursued to date.
Jens Weidmann, who is the
Bundesbank’s chief and its representative on the ECB’s Governing Council, is
remarkably outspoken on this issue. In a recent interview with the Rheinishe
Post, Weidmann pointed out that the ECB and other national central banks in
the Eurozone are now Greece’s largest creditors and cannot take a haircut on
Greek debt. Furthermore, they cannot write off this debt, since that would
amount to monetary financing, which is forbidden under Eurozone rules. So, he
concludes, the ECB is trapped.
This intervention is
important, because – unusual among the world’s central banks – the Bundesbank is
viewed by the German public as the protector of the currency against the
politicians. The German economy is traditionally driven by small savers, who are
secure in the knowledge that the Bundesbank won’t let them down by printing
money. While this is perhaps a stereotypical view, a hangover from the days of
the deutschemark, it is still true with respect to public attitudes. And this is
important because there is greater public trust in the head of the Bundesbank,
Jens Weidmann, than in any politician, including Chancellor Merkel. We must
listen to Weidmann, not Merkel.
Returning to Greece,
forward-looking markets have already written it off, but getting there is not
easy. On 11 November, by a slender majority, the Greek Parliament agreed to the
latest austerity demands from the Troika, in the belief that the Troika will
come up with urgently needed cash. This is cash for an economy that is tanking
with its industrial production collapsing. Deposits have flown from the banks,
which, without the ECB’s recycling of funds both through the TARGET2 settlement
system and by taking in yet more worthless Greek debt as collateral, would
themselves default. Tax revenues, insofar as they can be collected, are simply
vaporizing. In the words of the classic Monty Python sketch, this parrot is
dead, expired, and everyone knows it. Despite this, the Troika caved in (to
ironic laughter from the press) on 13 November by giving Greece a further two
years to get its government debt to GDP under 120%.
The concern, obviously, is
that Greece is a dry run for Spain and Italy. It is also, as I argue below, a
dry run for France, which is in terrible shape and deteriorating rapidly. This
is why the protector of German savers, Herr Weidmann, is worried. He is
signalling that the precedents set in dealing with Greece will ultimately
destroy Germany.
In my last article for PeakProsperity.com, I argued that
Germany, not Greece, should and will leave the Eurozone, perhaps taking Holland,
Finland, Luxembourg, and Austria with her. It has always been clear that this is
the last thing the political elite would consider, but unless Mrs Merkel
reconsiders her position, she will be overruled by the Bundesbank, and perhaps
also her own finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, who is known to be extremely
Anyway, let me throw in a
little ray of sunlight for Germany (or is this the light an oncoming train in
the tunnel?) For some reason that's not entirely clear, the outstanding TARGET2
claims by the Bundesbank on the other Eurozone national banks actually fell in
October. The updated chart is below:
That's the good news. The
bad news is that the previous down-tick (in December 2011) was in the wake of a
drop in Spanish bond yields from over 7% in mid-2011 to a low of under 5% last
January. This time, Spanish yields fell from 7.5% three and a half months ago to
5.4% a month ago. Italian government bonds have followed a similar pattern, as
shown in the chart below:
It is perhaps logical to
link changes in TARGET2 balances with changes in sentiment in Spanish and
Italian bonds. These bond yields show signs of bottoming out, which is clearly
visible on the chart. The only reason these bond yields have fallen to these low
levels is because the ECB forced them there. But when these yields rise, which
they probably will because there is little doubt the ECB’s manipulation cannot
succeed for very long, the accumulation of TARGET2 imbalances on the
Bundesbank’s book will quickly exceed €1 trillion.
And there is a further
problem. One of the reasons French ten-year government bond yields are only
2.1%, and have even been briefly negative for her six-month bills, is that some
of the capital flight out of Spain and Italy has been deposited in French banks,
only to be then lent on to the French government.
But France, as I argue
later in Part II of this article, is itself a basket case, only not yet
widely recognised as such because it has benefited from this capital flight from
Spain and Italy.
At some stage, probably in
the next six months, these accumulated deposits in the French banks will, in
turn, seek a safer home elsewhere – and where else but in the German banks? And
so the Bundesbank faces the prospect of a second wave of capital flight and
escalating TARGET2 imbalances.
Of course, this would not
matter if it was certain that no one was leaving the Eurozone, and the TARGET2
system was constructed on the assumption that no one ever would. One could argue
that Greece leaving would not be too much of a problem, other than the precedent
it would create. This is why it is so important to keep Spain and Italy in the
In Part II: Europe's Mexican Standoff we explain why the answer
to the question of Who will ultimately pick up the tab? when a Eurozone
member leaves is not at all clear. In fact, the "stability" of Europe right now
hinges completely on no one leaving (or defaulting).
After all, TARGET2 is a
settlement system with offsetting cash creation and destruction carried out by
the national central banks on delegation from the ECB. But nonetheless, it is
understandable that the sound-money guardians at the Bundesbank are increasingly
alarmed at the progression of events.
To borrow from Dirty Harry,
it leaves those tied to Europe's future pondering a seminal question: "Do I
feel lucky?" Well, do ya?
Original post @ http://www.peakprosperity.com/blog/80069/europe-now-sinking-fast
Mass Animal Deaths: December 2012
(Dec 6) As a 40,000-pound,
40-foot fin whale carcass rapidly decomposes on Little Dume beach in Malibu,
California, officials are still trying to determine how, when and who should
remove the remains. (Source)
(Dec 6) The Bureau of Land
Management(BLM) is investigating the deaths of 19 wild horses at its Cañon City
Wild Horse Inmate Program facility in Colorado. (Source)
(Dec 5) A dead sperm whale
was seen drifting out at sea in Robe, South Australia. Local fishers said it was
uncommon for a sperm whale to be in the area at this time of year. (Source)
(Dec 5) THE body of a sperm
whale has been found at Young Husband Peninsula Beach in South Australia, just
weeks after another carcass was washed up on the southern coastline. (Source)
(Dec 5) The number of EHD
cases in deer this year was the highest ever documented in many states. The
virus has taken a chunk out of deer population in Iowa and Maryland.
(Dec 5) Approximately 190
elephants in Zimbabwe have been listed dead due to water shortage this year,
according to wildlife authorities. (Source)
(Dec 3) About 200 dead carp
have washed up at Pinto Lake in California in the past week. Because of their
advanced state of decomposition, it may be difficult to say for sure what
happened. (Source)
(Dec 3) Scores of abandoned
cats in Angthong province, Thailand have died of cat flu disease. Since last
week, many had died the disease one by one, at about two a day. (Source)
(Dec 3) The sudden death of
38 cranes in the wetlands (salt pans) of Amreli district in Gujarat, India has
raised fears of a return of the deadly bird flu virus. (Source)
(Dec 2) There’s an eerie
scene in McKinney, Texas. There are close to 50 dead birds, mostly Grackles,
Starlings and Pigeons, lining Transparent Avenue and Central Expressway. (Source)
(Dec 1) Florida wildlife
researchers are trying to get to the bottom of what killed clusters of catfish
in waters around Marco Island last week. (Source)
(Dec 1) At least 33
migratory Greater Cormorant birds have died in Kaziranga National Park in upper
Assam, India since yesterday, Park authorities said but claimed Avian Flu was
not the cause.
2012年9月12日 星期三
Only through FAITH can you be taken by RAPTURE
So, the authors of the Bible used faith as the main topic in the Bible for many times to remind the believers that they should always keep and use their faith, so as to have a right relationship with God; to be called righteousness in front of God; and to have various blessings promised by God.
Romans 10:9
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 5:1;
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
John 3:18:
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
If we wish to be pleased by God, we need to have the faith so as to fulfill the conditions of the promises of God’s Words. Taking actions can prove that you have faith.
Hebrew 11:6:
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrew 11:1-2:
1.Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
2.This is what the ancients were commended for.
Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Moreover, in the end of days, the Book of Revelation predicted the time that the wrath of God will be descended to punish the people on earth. All Christians will be caught up to heaven first and be with God; they don’t need to experience the great disasters.
For those who can be caught up to heaven, other than the basic criterion that they should be the Christians, they also need to be watchful, to believe that God will come at any time in this sinful generation. As sons of the day, they will not be judged as the people on earth, but indeed they will be saved by faith and to escape from God’s wrath.
1 Thessalonians5:1-2, 8-0
1.Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you,
2.for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
8. But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
9. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
There are three teachings about the rapture in the present theology.
The first one talked about the rapture before the disaster mentioned above. They believe that all the Christians and the Christians who are watchful will be caught up to heaven and escape from God’s wrath.
The second one is the rapture in the middle of the disaster. They believe that those believers need to experience the great disasters with the people on earth together for a period of time. For those who pass various tests in the disasters and still keep loving God, they will be caught up to heaven by God. They believe this because there are verses in the Bible talked about the rapture in the middle of the disasters. One of the examples is the 144,000 people.
Revelation 7: 4, 13-14
4. Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
13. Then one of the elders asked me, "These in white robes--who are they, and where did they come from?"
14. answered, "Sir, you know." And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
The third one is the rapture after the disasters. Basically, they believe that no one can escape from God’s wrath and judgment. All the people will experience the great disasters together. For those who do not die in the disasters, they can enter the Kingdom of God in the Millennium prepared by God.
Zechariah 14:16
Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the LORD Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
Indeed, Pastor Wind have mentioned in the previous sermons that people will be caught up to heaven before the rapture, in the middle of the rapture and after the rapture.
But, the time for the rapture is decided by our faith and the level of our faith.
The Book of Zechariah mentioned that there are people who will be caught up to heaven before the rapture. And the criterion is that they should become the Christians who will never sleep in their belief and to be watchful for the coming of God.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
Revelation 12:5:
She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.
There are also people who will be caught up to heaven in the middle of the disasters. Just like the parable of the Ten Virgins that Jesus mentioned, for those virgins who are sleeping, some of them have prepare the oil, some of them are not. For those clever one who have prepared the oil, although they will experience the disasters for a short period of time when the disasters happened, they can be caught up to heaven later.
For those foolish virgins who do not prepare oil, they will suffer in the disasters.
Indeed, when will you choose for the rapture? Is it in the middle of the disasters, after the disasters or you will be a watchful Christians, who believe that you will be caught up to heaven before the disasters and escape from God’s wrath?
Disasters caused by the sin of man
Deuteronomy 28
15 However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country.
17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed.
18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out.
20 The LORD will send on you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking him.
21 The LORD will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess.
22 The LORD will strike you with wasting disease, with fever and inflammation, with scorching heat and drought, with blight and mildew, which will plague you until you perish.
23 The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron.
24 The LORD will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder; it will come down from the skies until you are destroyed.
According to God’s Law, the land will be judged if it is full of sins. Nature won't work for humans anymore. Rather, natural disasters become people's judgment.
Genesis 3:17-18
17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,' "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
Leviticus 18:24-28
24 " 'Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled.
25 Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.
26 But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the aliens living among you must not do any of these detestable things,
27 for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled.
28 And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
Isaiah 24:1-6
1 See, the LORD is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants-
2 it will be the same for priest as for people, for master as for servant, for mistress as for maid, for seller as for buyer, for borrower as for lender, for debtor as for creditor.
3 The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered. The LORD has spoken this word.
4 The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish.
5 The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt. Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left.
Jeremiah 3:2-3
2 "Look up to the barren heights and see. Is there any place where you have not been ravished? By the roadside you sat waiting for lovers, sat like a nomad in the desert. You have defiled the land with your prostitution and wickedness.
3 Therefore the showers have been withheld, and no spring rains have fallen. Yet you have the brazen look of a prostitute; you refuse to blush with shame.
Ezekiel 33:25-28
25 Therefore say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Since you eat meat with the blood still in it and look to your idols and shed blood, should you then possess the land?
26 You rely on your sword, you do detestable things, and each of you defiles his neighbor's wife. Should you then possess the land?'
27 "Say this to them: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: As surely as I live, those who are left in the ruins will fall by the sword, those out in the country I will give to the wild animals to be devoured, and those in strongholds and caves will die of a plague.
28 I will make the land a desolate waste, and her proud strength will come to an end, and the mountains of Israel will become desolate so that no one will cross them.
Micah 1:1-5
1 The word of the LORD that came to Micah of Moresheth during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah--the vision he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.
2 Hear, O peoples, all of you, listen, O earth and all who are in it, that the Sovereign LORD may witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple.
3 Look! The LORD is coming from his dwelling place; he comes down and treads the high places of the earth.
4 The mountains melt beneath him and the valleys split apart, like wax before the fire, like water rushing down a slope.
5 All this is because of Jacob's transgression, because of the sins of the house of Israel. What is Jacob's transgression? Is it not Samaria? What is Judah's high place? Is it not Jerusalem?
Zephaniah 1:2-4
2 "I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth," declares the LORD.
3 "I will sweep away both men and animals; I will sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. The wicked will have only heaps of rubble when I cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the LORD.
4 "I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all who live in Jerusalem. I will cut off from this place every remnant of Baal, the names of the pagan and the idolatrous priests-
Hosea 4:1-3
1 Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites, because the LORD has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: "There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land.
2 There is only cursing, lying and murder, stealing and adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
3 Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air and the fish of the sea are dying.
Although the “judgment towards the land because of sins” principle isn’t accepted by scientists generally, they even label it as superstitious, unreasonable and unscientific, obviously, the droughts, crop failures, epidemics and the well-known massive animal deaths are warnings , warning people that natural disasters occur because of people’s sins.
Although scientists and unfaithful Christians don’t believe that, they can't save the land from ever-increasing disasters though!
~ A 9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in Japan on March 11 last year
~ The worst drought in 60 years in the middle and lower courses of the Yangtzi River last year
~ Mount Etna in Italy erupted violently on May 12 last year
~ Sakurajima volcano in Japan erupted on May 12 this year, discharging to the sky endlessly.
~ A devastating drought occurred in Mexico late last year. 2.5 million people lacked both food and water. 1.7 million cattle died of thirst.
~ Tornado disaster in the U.S. in April this year
~ 900 pelicans and 5,000 dolphins washed to the shore of Peru in May this year.
The Bible has already warned that the land will be judged because of people’s sins. We, as the chosen people, must be alert. We must stay away from sins, lower ourselves and pray, seeking God’s Face.
2 Chronicles 7:12-14
12 the LORD appeared to him at night and said: "I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices.
13 "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people,
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The Kolbrin Bible and Webbot Prediction Confirm Each Other
In fact, in recent years, the disasters and conditions of the world are really similar to those recorded in the Kolbrin bible!
On the other hand, Webbot published the reports of “Future Recent History 2020” and “Your Last 26 days of life” on 29 January and 6 February 2012 respectively. It predicted the trend and change of the world after 2012!
The amazing part is that these two reports of Webbot prediction coincide with the ancient history in the Kolbrin bible in recording the various disasters brought about by the coming of Planet X!!
Obviously, the two confirm each other in validating the existence of Planet X and its impacts on earth.
They include:
1. The Kolbrin bible recorded 3600 years ago that a large human population would die because of the coming of Planet X!
(The dead were no longer sacred and were thrown into the waters.);
In fact, Webbot also predicted in recent months that after 2012, there would be disasters and accidents leading to mass human deaths, and even the death of 1.2 billion and 89 million people in one of the disasters.
2. The Kolbrin bible mentioned that upon the arrival of Planet X, economy would cripple and rich people lose their wealth and wealth transfer would even happen!
(He who grew no grain now to own a storehouse full. Cattle were left unattended to roam into strange pastures, and men ignored their marks and slew the beasts of their neighbors. No man owned anything. The public records were cast forth and destroyed, and no man knew who were slaves and who were masters.);
Similarly, Webbot also predicted that wave of bankruptcy would begin to appear in 2012 and 90% of the world’s wealth would be gone; however, at the same time, the greatest wealth transfer in history would happen.
3. The Kolbrin bible recorded that when Planet X came, human nature would mutate and become irrational, and there would even be "polarization of humanity", along with riots, demonstrations, ousting of governments and masters of the time!
(Man, stricken with terror, went mad at the awful signs in the Heavens. They were loosed from their senses and dashed about, crazed, not knowing what they did.)
(Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled, their bodies shook and their tongues lacked control. Their faces were twisted and the skin hung loose on their bones. They were as maddened wild beasts driven into an enclosure before flames; they knew no law, being deprived of all the wisdom they once had and who had guided them were gone.)
(When it passed…men rose up against those in authority and fled from the cities to swell in tents in the outlands. Egypt lacked great man to deal with the times. The slaves left. Their multitude moved in the gloom of a half dawn, under a mantle of fine swirling grey ash.)
In fact, Webbot has also predicted that the solar wind in 2012 would affect human personality and emotion, leading to fury, mutation of human nature and polarization of humanity.
4. The Kolbrin bible recorded that when Planet X approached the earth, various unusual heavenly signs would appear, meteorites fall from the sky, and a second sun even appear!
(On its arrival, Destroyer became visible in the day skies, first as a Second Sun or Winged Globe, and then took a shape of writhing fiery dragon described by the ancients.)
(This tale of space debris consists of dust, gravel, meteorites, boulders and small asteroids, and sweeps the Earth during the Passage of “hail of stones”)
Even later during the visit to Egypt by the Greek Legislator Solon, the old priest of Egypt told him that Planet X caused many different disasters in Egypt and they found that the earth and other planets went off track and lightning from the sun destroyed their places.
(This legend has the air of a fable; but the truth behind it is a deviation of the bodies that revolve in heaven round the earth and a destruction occurring at long intervals of things on earth by a great conflagration.)
(Thus, the story current also in your part of the world, that Phaethon, child of the Sun, once harnessed his father’s chariot but could not guide it on his father’s course and so burnt up everything on the face of the Earth and was himself consumed by the thunderbolt.)
Unexpectedly, the Webbot report in January 2012 also foretold that the solar system would undergo a great change, including the reordering of the system, a new track for the earth, and even strange heavenly changes like the appearance of cosmic thunders, electric whips, drastic change of the sun leading to massive solar wind!
What is the Kolbrin Bible?
The origin of the Kolbrin Bible is unknown. Today people just know that it is belonged to a mysterious organization named “The Culdians” which claimed to have kept it over 850 years. However, they present only its modern English edition which reprinted in 1994 to the public but keep the original version secret.
The Kolbrin Bible is said to be comprised of ten Bronze Books which was kept in Glastonbury Abbey, the first Christian church in Europe. Glastonbury abbey, which legend says was founded in AD63 (about 1950 years ago) by St. Joseph of Arimathea who buried Lord Jesus.
Luke 23: 50-53
50 Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man,
51who had not consented to their decision and action. He came from the Judean town of Arimathea and he was waiting for the kingdom of God.
52Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body.
53Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid.
However, the original chapel was destroyed in a fire in AD 1184 and only five Books of The Kolbrin remained and kept by King Edward I of England then, which includes
The Book of Creation; the Book of Gleanings; The Book of Scrolls; The Book of The sons of fire and The Book of Manuscripts.
As said in the Kolbrin Bible, the Great Flood in Book of Genesis, the Ten Plagues in Exodus and even the destruction of legendary Alantis were caused by a planet called “Destroyer”. The Kolbrin Bible is a history book written about 3500 years ago but it accurately coped with modern science. Based on scientific knowledge of that time, it was impossible to compose a myth to relate the cause of disasters to a planet coming close to the earth. Obviously, The Kolbrin Bible is a proof. It also clearly indicated that this “Destroyer” will come to the earth again in the end time.
The Kolbrin Bible is said to be comprised of ten Bronze Books which was kept in Glastonbury Abbey, the first Christian church in Europe. Glastonbury abbey, which legend says was founded in AD63 (about 1950 years ago) by St. Joseph of Arimathea who buried Lord Jesus.
Luke 23: 50-53
50 Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man,
51who had not consented to their decision and action. He came from the Judean town of Arimathea and he was waiting for the kingdom of God.
52Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body.
53Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid.
However, the original chapel was destroyed in a fire in AD 1184 and only five Books of The Kolbrin remained and kept by King Edward I of England then, which includes
The Book of Creation; the Book of Gleanings; The Book of Scrolls; The Book of The sons of fire and The Book of Manuscripts.
As said in the Kolbrin Bible, the Great Flood in Book of Genesis, the Ten Plagues in Exodus and even the destruction of legendary Alantis were caused by a planet called “Destroyer”. The Kolbrin Bible is a history book written about 3500 years ago but it accurately coped with modern science. Based on scientific knowledge of that time, it was impossible to compose a myth to relate the cause of disasters to a planet coming close to the earth. Obviously, The Kolbrin Bible is a proof. It also clearly indicated that this “Destroyer” will come to the earth again in the end time.
The Kolbrin Bible & worldwide disasters
The Kolbrin Bible was Egypt’s encyclopedia and historical book 3,600 years ago.
The majority of the books inside weren’t properly kept because of wars and accidents.
The Egyptian scribes called Culdian kept 5 books.
Many of its contents mention the coming of Planet X (Destoryer). It was the time when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. The books record the destruction and impacts created by the planet and the collapse of the Egyptian empire after tribal invasion.
Strange people came up against Egypt and none stood to fight, for strength and courage were gone. The invaders came up because of the wrath of Heaven which had laid their land waste.
In fact, Freemason got hold of the Kolbrin hundreds of years ago so the impacts to the earth induced by Planet X was known to them. That’s why they treat it like treasure.
Coincidentally, natural disasters have increased greatly these few decades.
This is extremely similar to disasters recorded in the Kolbrin, triggering Freemason’s various preparations.
So that the results created by the planet won’t be repeated, that is, leading to the collapse of the Freemasonry empire.
Kolbrin Bible mention that Planet X would cause intensive natural disasters. Many people would die.
There were so many corpses in Egypt that corpses were no longer respected and thrown into waters.
That’s why Freemason bought a lot of plastic coffins and plastic bags through FEMA.
Those bags would be used to wrap bodies and then throw them into waters so that it won't cause serious plagues.
Kolbrin Bible also mentions the appearance of Planet X. Numerous people and servants would migrate. National household registration records would be destroyed, leading to chaos and a lack of productivity in the nation.
He who grew no grain now to own a storehouse full. Cattle were left unattended to roam into strange pastures, and men ignored their marks and slew the beasts of their neighbors. No man owned anything. The public records were cast forth and destroyed, and no man knew who were slaves and who were masters.)
Therefore, Freemason created the 666 chips system, labeling each person and livestock so that they whereabouts can be traced. Chips signal which country a person belongs to!
Apart from this, many of the natural disasters occurred these years are obviously the same as those recorded in the Kolbrin. As said, disasters recorded in the Kolbrin are brought by Planet X.
1. Mysterious harsh sounds of trumpets in the sky
The days of stillness were followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and shrilling was heard in the Heavens, and the people became as frightened beasts without a headsman
This has never happened in contemporary history but happens frequently now and is reported widely!
2. Plagues, and river waters become blood!
Plague was throughout the land, the river was bloody and blood was everywhere.
Plagues are frequent in recent years…
Planet X brought a large amount of rust. That’s why the Egyptian river waters were like blood. This also happens today!
Gaoming River Valley in Foshan, Guangdong turned to blood red after heavy rain on Apr. 27, 2010. Thousands of residents were affected.
A hundred meters of river water in the Shaanxi River became blood red suddenly on Oct. 31, 2010.
A river in Johannesburg in South Africa turned to blood red on Nov. 26, 2010.
Red rain had fell for two months in India on May 31 last year. Both rivers and tap water turned to bright red.
Lake water in San Angelo state Park in Texas, U.S. became blood red on Aug. 4 last year.
Luoyang Jian River in China turned to blood red on Dec. 14 last year.
The waterway of Nahr Beirut turned red on Feb. 15 this year.
The coastal side of a river turned to red in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China on May 9.
Qin River in Wuhua turned red overnight on May 25.
3. Dormant volcanoes become active again. Volcanic ashes can infect humans and beasts’ skins.
Eyjafjallajökull Volcano erupted on Mar. 20, 2010. It’s been dormant for 200 years.
Sinabung in Sumatra Island, Indonesia erupted continuously on Aug. 27, 2010. It’s been dormant for 400 years.
Etna in Sicily, Italy erupted again this year.
4. Planet X is accompanied by dust, meteorites and asteroids. That’s why there’ll be fireballs and meteorites appearing in the sky. Hail may fall too.
This tale of space debris consists of dust, gravel, meteorites, boulders and small asteroids, and sweeps the Earth during the Passage of “hail of stones”
The face of the land was battered and devastated by a hail of stones which smashed down all that stood in the path of the torrent. They swept down in hot showers and strange flowing fire ran along the ground in their wake.
In fact, this is already happening.
Giant meteorites fell from the sky in Peru on Aug. 25 last year.
This was the sky of Scotland and northern England on Mar. 3.
Fireballs fell in Texas on Apr. 4.
Mysterious fireballs fell from the sky in Brazil on Apr. 20.
About 20 kg of hail fell in Ziyang, Sichuan on May 21. A 20 cm pit was created.
5. Fire sprays were one of the phenomena recorded in the Kolbrin. It’s generated by Planet X 3,600 years ago.
The night was a night of fear and dread, for there was a high moaning above and fire sprang up from the ground.
This also happens in recent years.
Strange flames emerged from the soil in the U.S. on Apr. 6.
Mysterious fire erupted from holes in Phitsanulok, Thailand on Apr. 26.
Huge columns of smoke emitted from the ground in many states in Central and Southern America on Mar. 27.
Mysterious flames erupted from the soil in the ground in Sri Lanka on May 4.
6. People lose their mind. Riots occur.
When it passed…men rose up against those in authority and fled from the cities to swell in tents in the outlands.
Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled, their bodies shook and their tongues lacked control. Their faces were twisted and the skin hung loose on their bones. They were as maddened wild beasts driven into an enclosure before flames; they knew no law, being deprived of all the wisdom they once had and who had guided them were gone.)
Actually large scale demonstrations and riots are strangely happening all over the world!
"Jasmine Revolution", an anti-government demonstration, occurred in Tunisia on Dec. 17, 2010.
Anti-government protests occurred in Syria on Jan. 26 last year
“Occupy Wall Street” in New York on Sep. 17 last year
It’s developed into “Occupy Together” on Oct. 15 last year. Over 1,400 cities in the world participated.
The occupation action in Rome, Italy became riots on Oct. 15 last year.
A million Egyptians protested against the government on Nov. 22 last year.
Conflicts between the police and over 1,000 people occurred in the capital city of Romania on Jan. 15.
100 thousand Greek demonstrated against the government on Feb. 11.
100 thousand Malaysians demonstrated on Apr. 28.
College students demonstrated in Quebec, Canada in May.
Thousands of protesters protested against the NATO summit in Chicago, U.S. on May 20.
Pastor Wind predicted all these two years ago in the 28th volume of the “2012 Hope of Glory”sermon.
It was predicted that the evil would become more evil and irrational.
Riots, demonstrations, wars and civil wars would be more severe!
This kind of predictions is extremely rare.
Pastor Wind even instructed the movie department to film the movie “Zeitgeist File” at the end of 2009, warning people through this movie that people would choose to be evil in the last days but Christians who love God should avoid evilness and choose to be kind!
It is unprecedented for the church to mobile huge amount of human and material resources to warn other people!
Things happened these days are so similar to disasters induced by Planet X recorded in the Kolbrin Bible.
Although governments are hiding the existence of the planet, obviously, Planet X is affecting the world!
That sinking feeling in Thailand
Telegraph poles poking out from the sea stand like graveyard memorials to the villagers that now lie beneath the waves.
Environment campaigners Greenpeace say the fate of villages like these along Thailand’s gulf coast are firm evidence of rising sea levels triggered by global warming.
They are warning the capital is also under threat.
“Because this area is not far from Bangkok, this is an emergency matter which should make the Thai people aware of what’s happening.”
In fact, Bangkok is facing a dual threat that Thai officials say could see the city under water if urgent action isn’t taken.
While sea levels may be rising, Bangkok is also sinking as ground waters pumped out from beneath.
The country’s head of disaster warning says a massive dike is needed to protect it from a watery end.
“If nothing can be done, you know, Bangkok would be at least 50 cm or 1 m under water.”
Unprecedented wildfires caused by Planet X
We all remember very well that in between 2009 and 2012, once-in-a-century or even unprecedented wildfires occurred in many places around the world.
Australia Bush Fire
Texas Wildfires 2011(Worst in TX history)
Why do unprecedented wildfires happen?
Some experts explain that they are set by people because the fire site is large with multiple fires.
However, is this a reasonable explanation?
How could there be groups of people in the world deliberately setting forests on fire?
In fact, would there be a more reasonable explanation?
Besides, on 27 March 2012, people found something alarming in the satellite image on the Internet. The image shows that during the day gigantic pillars of smoke continued to appear from the ground in many states in the south central U.S., including Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina. From the following video, when the camera of the satellite zoomed in so that only one state was seen, white pillars of smoke were seen rising from the ground. Imagine how large the pillars are when they can be seen from the satellite above!
When the camera zoomed out, it was found that many places in the south central America also had giant white pillars of smoke ejected from the ground.
Why so?
Pastor Wind explained that because when the nearing of Planet X towards the earth in the solar system will greatly increase the internal energy of the earth and sun. Therefore, during daytime, when the sun shines on regions of the earth, the energy from the sun will cause the ejection of lava under the crust onto the ground. The lava, thousand degrees in temperature, will boil underground water and burn the soil, causing great pillars of smoke. And when the regions emitting pillars of smoke also experience drought, multiple fires occur in those regions. It is hard to put out these fires because the source is the lava being ejected out of the ground.
Hence, it can be predicted that when Planet X is nearing the earth, unprecedented wildfires will occur more frequently.
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