2012年12月11日 星期二

Mass Animal Deaths: December 2012

(Dec 6) As a 40,000-pound, 40-foot fin whale carcass rapidly decomposes on Little Dume beach in Malibu, California, officials are still trying to determine how, when and who should remove the remains. (Source)


(Dec 6) The Bureau of Land Management(BLM) is investigating the deaths of 19 wild horses at its Cañon City Wild Horse Inmate Program facility in Colorado. (Source)


(Dec 5) A dead sperm whale was seen drifting out at sea in Robe, South Australia. Local fishers said it was uncommon for a sperm whale to be in the area at this time of year. (Source)


(Dec 5) THE body of a sperm whale has been found at Young Husband Peninsula Beach in South Australia, just weeks after another carcass was washed up on the southern coastline. (Source)


(Dec 5) The number of EHD cases in deer this year was the highest ever documented in many states. The virus has taken a chunk out of deer population in Iowa and Maryland.


(Dec 5) Approximately 190 elephants in Zimbabwe have been listed dead due to water shortage this year, according to wildlife authorities. (Source)


(Dec 3) About 200 dead carp have washed up at Pinto Lake in California in the past week. Because of their advanced state of decomposition, it may be difficult to say for sure what happened. (Source)


(Dec 3) Scores of abandoned cats in Angthong province, Thailand have died of cat flu disease. Since last week, many had died the disease one by one, at about two a day. (Source)


(Dec 3) The sudden death of 38 cranes in the wetlands (salt pans) of Amreli district in Gujarat, India has raised fears of a return of the deadly bird flu virus. (Source)


(Dec 2) There’s an eerie scene in McKinney, Texas. There are close to 50 dead birds, mostly Grackles, Starlings and Pigeons, lining Transparent Avenue and Central Expressway. (Source)


(Dec 1) Florida wildlife researchers are trying to get to the bottom of what killed clusters of catfish in waters around Marco Island last week. (Source)


(Dec 1) At least 33 migratory Greater Cormorant birds have died in Kaziranga National Park in upper Assam, India since yesterday, Park authorities said but claimed Avian Flu was not the cause.

