2013年1月28日 星期一

2013年1月20日 星期日

Why 2013 will be a year of crisis: Do you hear the song of angry men?

Prediction: 2013 will be a year of serious global crisis. Distressing news is coming from every corner of the globe. The world economy can still be defined with the phrase “gloomy present, grim future.” Extreme weather is the new norm. Food prices are surging. And what are the corrupt governments doing? Are they preparing the people for the challenges ahead or are they hording the limited resources and continuing with their lies? Hungry people are angry people, and angry people bring governments down. The Arab Spring Revolution is entering its third year. In Europe, people are now opposing austerity measures. America is on the brink of a second revolution because the American people want their Constitutional Rights back – the government is not what they claimed to be.

Luke 21:25 [ The Coming of the Son of Man ] “Then there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars; and there will be anguish on the earth among nations bewildered by the roaring sea and waves. The “roaring sea and waves” is representative of the people roaring, and the waves of discontent they ripple their governments with. As the financial collapse has effected all nations because all followed suit, so too will all feel the ripples of discontent as the domino effect takes place.

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Do you see why the Word calls the governments beasts? The Beast and the Image of The Beast, and all the others have no HEART, no SOUL, they are simply god-players, and not good ones. Do you think they feel bad about murdering innocent people, including children, like what the US is doing with drones? Psalm 68:30 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 30 Rebuke the beast in the reeds, the herd of bulls with the calves of the peoples. Trample underfoot those with bars of silver. Scatter the peoples who take pleasure in war. Who controls the global economy? Who are those with bars of silver? Who takes pleasure in war? The governments are armed to the teeth and they are the slave masters.

Daniel 2:44 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 44 “In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself endure forever. As the politicians give their usual feel good new year’s messages, know that Yahweh plans to crush all of these beasts off the face of this planet. Why do you think they are not willing to address the UFO phenomenon? The NORAD’s Star Wars defense plan is just a part of their answer in trying to thwart Christ’s incoming kingdom. The Beast had two opportunities to raise the transparent flag, but they rejected both offers. Eventually, all of the earth’s beasts will follow this beast’s path to destruction.

Job 41:34 “He surveys everything that is haughty; he is king over all the proud beasts. And who is the king of the proud beasts? If your answer is Satan, you’re actually wrong. The complexity of our Creator is not meant to be fully understood but even by putting together some pieces of the puzzle, you’ll be immensely overwhelmed by the GREATNESS of our Creator. Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries,

SOLAR STORM AFTERMATH? $2 TRILLION IN FIXES: Scientists expect massive event to hit by next year

WASHINGTON – It was in January 1994 that two Canadian telecommunications satellites blanked out during a major sunburst while in geosynchronous orbit and communications were disrupted nationwide.

While recovery occurred after only a few hours on the first satellite, it took some six months and more than $70 million to recover the second satellite.

Added were landings and takeoffs, flight time and other factors that elevated fuel consumption and costs. Each route change ended up costing more than $100,000.Then in January 2005, some 26 United Airlines flights had to be diverted during a space weather storm to non-polar routes – to avoid the prospect of high frequency radio blackouts.

Then in February 2011, there was a sun eruption experts described as the largest solar flare in four years. It caused interference in radio communications and global positioning system signals for aircraft traveling long-distances.

While it was a modest outburst, experts say it signaled the beginning of an upcoming solar storm.

The National Aeronautical and Space Administration along with the National Academy of Sciences is predicting that the Earth could be subjected to a solar storm maximum as part of the sun’s 11-year cycle.

If there is a direct hit, these agencies say that the impact could be catastrophic.

They say, brace yourself, it could cost upwards of $2 trillion in the first two years, affecting some 160 million people and could take anywhere from four to 10 years to recover.

“The sun has an activity cycle, much like hurricane season,” said Tom Bogdan, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colo. “It’s been hibernating for four or five years, not doing much of anything.”

What scientists have known for about two centuries is that disruptions occur in varying degrees of intensity about every 11 years. The problem is that they haven’t been able to figure out the size of any future solar super storm, although models have been developed that make suggestions.

The expected solar storm, called a solar storm maximum, is what NASA and the NAS expect sometime over the next 24 months.

In an in-depth, 132-page report funded by NASA and issued by the NAS entitled “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal Impact,” a 2008 study detailed the potential devastation of solar storms beginning during the 2012-2014 period.

There’s already been a warning. In late January 2012, the sun unleashed what scientists said was a charged plasma that space weather watchers said would just miss Earth – that time.

“Our simulations show potential to pack a good punch to Earth’s near-space environment,” said Antti Pulkkinen of the Space Weather Laboratory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt. The plasma blast, Pulkkinen said, was “more of a glancing blow.”

For that January occurrence, satellite operators and power companies were alerted. Even though it bypassed Earth, some communications were affected, especially at high latitudes.

NASA estimates that the impending solar storm maximum could perhaps be even more powerful than the one recorded back in 1859 that had the effect at the time of a massive disruption of the fledging telegraph system. Then, it produced spectacular aurora displays that could be seen throughout much of the Western hemisphere.

The 1859 solar storm was called the Carrington Event, named after the British Astronomer Richard Carrington who saw the effects of the solar storm and was the first to link sun activities with the Earth’s geomagnetic disturbances.

NASA experts say that the size of the impending solar storm maximum will be at least as big as the 1859 Carrington Event. But they say it could have a much greater impact because of contemporary society’s heavy reliance on electricity.

Drawing from the lessons of the 1859 Carrington Event and subsequent instances of solar storms, it is apparent the damage it can cause electric power grids, judging from the effects on the ‘Victorian Internet” at the time. Such storms also may contribute to the corrosion of oil and gas pipelines.

These storms also interfere with high-frequency, very high-frequency and ultra high-frequency radio communications and navigation signals from GPS satellites. The collateral effects of space-weather-driven technology failures can include complete blackouts of high-frequency communications along transpolar aviation routes, requiring aircraft flying these routes to divert to lower latitudes.

In comparing various solar storm events, the 1859 event still looms as the largest, even greater than those experienced since the dawn of the Space Age.

In looking at potential events between 2012 and 2014, solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center, of NASA, said that the magnetic belts of the sun have begun to turn very fast. He said that many magnetic fields are being swept up and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be very intense.

Underlying this concern is what scientists also determined are major breaks in the Earth’s solar defenses, caused by the recent discovery of a thick layer of solar particles inside the Earth’s magnetic field.

To scientists, discovery of this thick layer of solar particles inside the Earth’s magnetic field strongly suggests that Earth could experience serious solar storms in the 2012-2014 with major impacts on civilization’s electrical power sources.

“The sequence we’re expecting … is just right to put particles in and energize them to create the biggest geomagnetic storms, the brightest auroras, the biggest disturbances in Earth’s radiation belts,” said David Sibeck of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

“So, if all of this is true, it should be that we’re in for a tough time in the next 11 years,” Sibeck said.

Recent data from NASA’s THEMIS satellite has revealed a 6,437-kilometer, or 4,000-mile, thick layer of solar particles have accumulated and continue to gather within the outermost part of the magnetosphere, which is a protective bubble created by Earth’s magnetic field.

The magnetosphere is supposed to block these solar particles – also referred to as solar winds – which leave the sun at a million miles an hour, experts say.

“The solar wind is constantly changing, and the Earth’s magnetic field is buffeted like a wind sock in gale-force winds, fluttering back and forth in response to the solar wind,” Sibeck said.

With expected increased activity with a solar storm maximum, the reaction in the magnetosphere could be quite dramatic.

This prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is headquartered in Boulder, Colo.

NCAR is managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. In turn, the UCAR is a consortium of more than 75 universities nationwide offering post-graduate studies in atmospheric and related sciences.

“The next sunspot cycle will be 30 percent to 50 percent stronger than the previous one,” Dikpati said. If this is true, then scientists believe a solar storm maximum expected between 2013 and 2014 could produce bursts of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958.

During the event in 1958, a radio blackout ccurred across the entire United States and cut off the country from the rest of the world. This happened during the Cold War period and when fires developed in Europe, some people wondered whether war had broken out again.

This solar maximum also occurred during the beginning of the Space Age. Sputnik had been launched in October 1957 and the first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, was launched in January 1958.

At the time, there wasn’t the sophisticated means of measuring solar activity. However, people knew something potentially big was happening when the Northern Lights were seen three times in Mexico.

Today, such a solar maximum would be noticed on mobile phones, global positioning systems, from weather satellites and the potential effects on the electronics that are so much a part of everyday life.

Dikpati’s assessment for the next 11 years is based on what she says is a conveyor belt on the sun. It is similar to ocean conveyor belt on Earth, except the conveyor belt on the sun is a current of electrically conducting gas.

According to Dikpati, it flows from the sun’s equator to the poles and back again. Just as the great ocean conveyor belt determines Earth’s weather, the solar conveyor belt affects weather on the sun by controlling the sunspot cycle.

Hathaway said this conveyor belt effect takes some 40 years for the belt to complete one loop.

“The speed varies anywhere from a 50-year pace – considered slow – to a 30-year pace, which is considered fast.”

Hathaway said that when the belt is turning fast, a considerable number of magnetic fields are being swept up and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense.

“The belt was turning fast in 1986 to 1996,” Hathaway said.

Dikpati and her NCAR team are looking to predict what they call cycle 24, which would have up to a 50 percent higher peak than the previous cycle, 23. While some models have stated that cycle 24 would be smaller than cycle 23, Dikpati said that her “flux transport dynamo model” has correctly forecast the relative peaks of cycles 16-23 going back to the 1921 event using sunspot area data from previous cycles.

A computer-simulated magnetic flux NCAR scientists used to conduct their analysis in 2010 went back to the 12th cycle, which put solar activity around the year 1880. While that wasn’t as significant, the most dramatic was the 1958 event referred to earlier by Dikpati, based on simulated computer modeling. It is the 1958 event that cycle 24 could begin to match in intensity.

The solar storm maximum of cycle 24 is expected between 2013 and 2014. Not stopping there, Dikpati and her team continued simulations to the year 2020, showing solar peaks until then approximating the peaks for cycle 24.

Dikpati and her team base the confidence of their analysis on forecasting the previous eight cycles from surface sunspot area data for preceding cycles.

“We’re entering solar cycle 24,” said University of New Hampshire scientist Jimmy Raeder in forecasting what could be described as an upcoming Perfect Storm.

“For reasons not fully understood, CMEs [sun flares] in even-numbered solar cycles – like cycle 24 – tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the storm gets underway. It’s the perfect sequence for a really big event.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/solar-storm-aftermath-2-trillion-in-fixes/#8m8HBKLXGk1ymIq6.99

Natural disasters cost $160 billion of damages in 2012: Hurricane Sandy the single-costliest disaster of the year

(Jan 7) Germany’s Munich Re AG, the world’s biggest reinsurer by premium revenues, said natural disasters in 2012 caused $160 billion in overall losses and $65 billion in insured losses worldwide. The US accounted for a higher proportion of global natural disaster losses than usual in 2012. Hurricane Sandy alone accounted for some $50 billion in overall losses.

“These two catastrophes clearly demonstrate the type of events we can expect to contend with more often in the future.”

The second major loss event of 2012 was the summer-long drought in the USA that plagued the Corn Belt in the Midwest and surrounding states, where most of the USA’s main agricultural crops, corn and soybean, are grown. The overall agricultural crop losses in the USA in 2012 totalled around $20 billion, making it the biggest loss in US agricultural insurance history. In average years, insured losses are around $9 billion. Tornadoes also caused significant losses in the USA, with overall losses from the most severe tornado outbreak March 2 through $5 billion, of which 50% was insured.

italy quake

Two earthquakes that struck Italy’s Emilia Romagna region in May proved to be Europe’s costliest events. Overall losses from the two earthquakes totalled some $16 billion. In terms of casualties, Typhoon Bopha, which struck the Philippines in December, is 2012’s most devastating catastrophe, with over 1,000 deaths recorded and many people that remain unaccounted for. The losses in 2012 were less than in 2011, when record figures climbed to as much as $400 billion, due to major earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand and severe floods in Thailand. (Source)


Scientists and experts all agree that we can expect more severe weather-related catastrophes. The bowls of wrath represent nature at its deadliest. Are you wondering why Father Yahweh the Warrior doesn’t just wipe out this planet? The Sun can easily do the job. The enemy is a joke to Yahweh and he mocks and laughs at them – can you find the Scripture on that? But why is this war that started more than 6,000 years is still lingering on? Because of how the War Plan was formulated – if you knew the complexity of it, you would not stop giving praise to our Father in Heaven.

There are many good reasons why so many battles are recorded in the Word. In the olden times, Yahweh directed the Israelites on combat. This was to foreshadow the holy angelic warriors – the Lions of Zion are behind these natural disasters in these end times and who try to thwart them? Satan along with his human and spirit confederates. They do not want the new Earth with Christ as King so they are fighting tooth and nail to resist the destruction of this world.

You know how the Ark of the Covenant also served as a war machine for combat? It literally represented Yahweh in battle and did much to help the Israelite army; and when things got really bad, Yahweh brought in the angelic hosts to help fight; in the battles they fought the demons (called stars) who assisted the enemy and they also plagued the human enemy.

If Father Yahweh got involved in ancient battles, He will do so again in these end times. When and how? We do not know. Are you wondering if Yahweh is really in control? Look at Moses, he radiated from being exposed to radiation – Yahweh’s glory which is composed of radiation in His spiritual energy makeup – but he did not get sick and die, because Yahweh is a miracle worker. Yahweh is in control!

More @ http://endtimesrevelations.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/natural-disasters-cost-160-billion-of-damages-in-2012-hurricane-sandy-the-single-costliest-disaster-of-the-year/

2013年1月17日 星期四


January 15, 2013 - CHINA - The land in a Chinese village is quite literally disappearing before the residents' eyes with large sinkholes swallowing up vast spaces. In the past five months villagers from Lianyuan in southern China's Hunan Province have been left alarmed after seeing over 20 holes suddenly open up in the ground. From last September the cave-ins, which range in size, have seen houses collapse and rivers dry and left villagers terrified about where the next will be.

Guessing game: The constant developments have left villagers terrified about where the next will be.

Investigator: It is not clear what steps are being taken to prevent further sinkholes from appearing but the local government has started an investigation.
Initial investigation showed reckless coal mining has damaged the underground water system and caused cave-ins in farm fields and riverbanks in recent months, the China News Service reported today. Over 4,000 villages have now been left with a water supply problem as land subsidence has blocked some creeks, reported Sina. It also cracked the walls of about 20 houses, forcing two families to evacuate.

Cut off: Over 4,000 villages have now been left with a water supply problem as land subsidence has
blocked some creeks.

Alarmed: Villagers from Lianyuan in southern China's Hunan Province have been left alarmed by continuous sinkholes that have seen over 20 holes suddenly open up in the ground over the past five months.

Holes: According to the Lianyuan government, preliminary investigations found that the coalmines are the main reason for the cave-ins.
Photos showed water from blocked creeks was flowing into a big hole in the ground. It is not clear what steps are being taken to prevent further sinkholes from appearing, but the local government has started an investigation. The report said that a compensation plan is being worked out for the affected families. Last February another town in Hunan saw nearly 700 cave-ins, affecting some 1,200 people. - Daily Mail.

2013年1月15日 星期二

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Illuminati Corporate Logos

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Illuminati Corporate Logos: Illuminati Corporate Logos  by  Freemantv They all represent an aspect of Masonic ritual. …but first a word from our sponsors. The...

An Economic Doomsday is Coming

An Economic Doomsday IS Coming
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Deep within the temporal lobe of the brain is this tiny little limbic system structure in roughly the shape of an almond. This little mass of nuclei has its tiny little hands in most of our emotions and survival motivations. It is from this teensie little clump of “stuff” that the signal is sent to either fight, or — “get the heck out of Dodge.”

The amygdala does a lot more, but as I am most certainly NOT a brain surgeon, or a shrink, I’ll stick to what I can look up on Wikipedia or Google, or some other search engine.

For the purposes of this tome, the above information will do just fine, thank you.

Here’s the thing, as they say. If there IS such a thing as a gestalt, and that gestalt has an amygdala,then it is most certainly working overtime.

There seems to be a growing feeling, all over the world, that humanity is starring down the barrel of a cosmic gun. We are waiting for something to happen, something rather unpleasant. What it isexactly, we don’t know. But our collective amygdala is screaming at us to “beware.”

There is much speculation (most subdued, it seems to me) about the form in which the coming disaster will arrive: famine, pestilence, war, economic, or something else. Frankly, I suspect it will entail all of the above and then some. I don’t see how a world-wide cataclysm could not.

Those whose expertise is in economics tell us that, without a doubt, the world is heading for economic doom. The welfare states (nations), and that includes the US, are going to collapse — and soon. When it begins it will resemble dominoes tumbling over, one right behind the other, until we have a total collapse of the world’s economic system.

No one, repeat — NO ONEhas any idea how to stop this collapse.

In an article at Monty Pelerin’s World the writer says the following: ” The US and other modern industrialized nations are headed for economic collapse. Political excesses created unwieldly and insolvent social welfare states in every modern democracy. The notion of providing for those who cannot or do not provide for themselves has limits. As Lady Margaret Thatcher expressed the problem:

The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later, you run out of other people’s money.

The writer goes on to explain: “Those dependent on the welfare state are unaware that their benefits are not sustainable. Most believe tomorrow will be like today and the checks will keep coming from Mother Government. Political power was gained based on promising these benefits. No politician will risk his position by trying to reduce them. No democratic society has ever rolled them back via peaceful political means.”

And the the writer says THIS: “The financial hole dug by most social welfare states is too deep to get out of. The finest turnaround manager in the world, unconstrained by politics, would be unable to remedy the problems. The mathematics of the problem are just too far gone. Radical cost-cutting and proper economic policies can no longer work. Hope and change may work in a political campaign, but slogans carry no weight against the iron laws of arithmetic.

The world is on the verge of massive sovereign defaults.”

So much for the US avoiding the so-called “fiscal cliff,” huh? We may have avoided the cliff only to plunge head long off the lip of the economic Grand Canyon!

The writer at Monty Pelerin goes on to say: “Welfare states have become zombie economies. These “walking dead” are shells of what they once were. A failure in one probably produces a domino effect that dooms all.”

He/she offers the following as solutions:

“The Economic Solution
This solution requires that government spending be brought into line with revenues and held there (or below) for a lengthy period of time. That requires reneging on many social promises and possible sovereign debt defaults. A depression would occur. Homes would be foreclosed and businesses closed.

Wealth, defined in terms of physical assets, would be re-allocated. New owners and uses of assets would result. So, too, would a complete cleansing of the cancer that prevents economic growth. The economy would be traumatized, but recover rather quickly so long as government refrained from intervening. Pain and suffering are inevitable. Civil unrest is probable and so is the risk that government(s) could be overthrown.

This solution is horrible in every sense but one — it is the better of two alternatives.”

So, what then is the worst solution? The political solution. But according to the writer there is NO political solution. Here’s what he/she says: “There is no political solution, although that will not stop politicians from pretending there is. “Pretend and extend” is all they can do. Intervening with additional stimulus and more printed money buys some time, but worsens the economic problems. Problems and distortions are made bigger, requiring even more adjustment when they inevitably occur. Pursuing this strategy flirts with currency destruction which would destroy the savings and fixed incomes of the middle class.

The end result is the same as the economic solution — a complete and total collapse of the economy. The difference is that the collapse is more severe and that many may be destroyed in a hyperinflationary blow-off.”


I found this article to be awesome and I recommend you go over to the site and read it in its entirety. You will find it here:

(By the way — “Monty Pelerin” is a pseudonym derived from The Mont Pelerin Society. Just thought you’d want to know).

Smart people make me feel so, well, inadequate, you know? But then, I think about what the writer has said and, slowly, I realize he/she is just expressing what so many of us feel but have been unable to articulate. This writer just did it — and did it extremely well.

It would appear the people of earth (with apologies to science fiction writers everywhere) have just passed the “point of no return.” We haven’t enough fuel to return to our point of origin, and we have just discovered that we haven’t enough fuel to reach our planned destination. In plain English: “We’re screwed!”

Could THIS be what our collective amygdala has been trying to warn us about. It explains the global feeling of “unease” felt by so many across the globe.

It is information presented in such a way as this that compels one to look upon the “preppers” with a new sense of respect. Could it be they have been right all along? It is certainly beginning to look that way.

Now, if you think I am taking this a bit too lightly, I assure you, I AM whistling past the graveyard! For, you see, I share that feeling of tip-toeing along the precipice of something unknown. And I have suspected for rather a long time now that many more of my species feel the same nagging worry of impending doom. The recent end of the world non-event was evidence of a sense of something ending permeating our human society.

What do you do when there is nothing you can do?
What do I do when it is the worst of bad nightmares for a control freak like “yours truly.” May we be so bold as to suggest the following: “1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber . 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep . 5 The LORD is thy keeper : the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.” … Psalm 121:1-6

There comes a time in the lives of all of us when we have zero control over events affecting us. The unavoidable is, well, unavoidable.

A remnant will survive to carry on and embrace whatever the future may hold. So, do humanity a favor, and take notes! To avoid the unavoidable in the uncertain future depends totally — upon not repeating our history of mistakes.

See you on the other side?

2013年1月7日 星期一

Elenin & 19.5

We always see and make use of different constants in our daily life. A constant is a number of which the value or the ratio to others never changes.

When the human being knew more and more about science, say mathematics, they discovered the presence of different constants in their daily lives. One of the most common constants is "pi". Pi is the constant showing the ratio of the circumference and the diameter of a circle. It is an endless number - 3.14159262329…….

Another constant that is commonly seen is "phi". Phi is usually called the golden ratio as it is regarded as the most aesthetically pleasing ratio in lives. The golden ratio can be seen among different organisms, including the human bodies, shells or nebulae. The acknowledgement of these ratios indicates that the human civilization has reached a certain level.

Hence in 1972, when NASA launched two robotic space probes, Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, they included these constants on the metal plates of the spacecrafts. NASA hoped that other intelligent beings would know the existence of human being and their level of civilization when they met the spaceships.

Yet, when Comet Elenin entered the Solar System and was discovered by human being , Richard Hoagland, an ex-consultant of NASA, discovered that the number 19.5 appeared repeatedly in various data regarding Comet Elenin from NASA. In previous sermons, we have mentioned several times that when a tetrahedron was put inside a sphere, its apex points touched the sphere at the positions of 19.5 degrees.

Among stars, 19.5 is also a common constant. It is the explosion point of the internal energy of a star. For instance, the Great Red Spot of Jupiter is a super atmospheric storm with a size larger than the Earth and is situated at the 19.5 degrees of Jupiter. The live volcano in Hawaii is also located at the 19.5 degrees of the Earth.

Besides, it seems that some ancient civilizations of high intelligence also knew about the secret of the 19.5 degrees. For instance, Yucatán, where the Mayan lived, is located at the 19.5 degrees of the Earth.

Moreover, though denying the important meaning of the 19.5 degrees over the years, NASA launched the first spacecraft to Mars, Mars Pathfinder, which landed on the 19.33 north latitude and 33.55 west longitude of Mars. The figure was very close to the 19.5 degrees. Also, the number "33", which denotes the highest degree of the Freemasons, appeared again.

Why does 19.5, a interstellar constant, appear repeatedly in Comet Elenin, a hyperdimensional education machine as named by Richard Hoagland?

Is there someone of even higher intelligence than human being wants to send some messages to the latter through this comet, just like what the human being did by using the constants on Pioneer 10 and 11 to communicate with the so-called extra-terrestrial?

From its previous movement, we see that Comet Elenin has just arrived at the position of Virgo on 29 September 2011, the Feast of Trumpets. This fulfilled the vision mentioned in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. Is the one who used this comet to communicate with human being the author of the Book of Revelation, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ?

The Irony Of 47.7 Million Americans Subsisting On Food Stamps

By Frosty Wooldridge

As of November of 2012, a mind-numbing 47.7 million Americans subsist on taxpayer-funded food stamps. One in seven Americans cannot feed himself or herself with a job or work of any kind. What constitutes the irony to this national tragedy? Answer: our U.S. Congress imports 100,000 legal immigrants into the USA with green cards every 30 days.

No matter how much poverty and unemployment blacks, whites and Hispanic Americans suffer– the leaders of this country continually pound more humans into the mix without pause. At the same time, food banks go belly up with bare shelves. Over 13 million American children live in destitute poverty and cannot secure three square meals per day.

While Congress supports our enormous military spending into the trillions of dollars and two 10 year long wars that devour (ed) money—it fails to create jobs and feed our poorest. It fails the fundamental rights of our own citizens to work and eat.

The gross statistics created by our U.S. Congress: (Source: hubpages.com)

#1 According to one calculation, the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of “Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.”

#2 In October 2008, 30.8 million Americans were on food stamps. By August 2012 that number had risen to 47.1 million Americans.

#3 Right now, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps and one out of every four American children is on food stamps.

#4 It is projected that half of all American children will be on food stamps at least once before they turn 18 years of age.

#5 According to new numbers that were just released by the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Americans living in poverty increased to a new all-time record high of 49.7 million last year.

#6 The number of Americans living in poverty has increased by about 6 million over the past four years.

#7Today, about one out of every four workers in the United States brings home wages that are at or below the federal poverty level.

#8According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the poverty rate for children living in the United States is about 22 percent.

#9 Overall, approximately 57 percent of all children in the United States are living in homes that are either considered to be either “low income” or impoverished.

#10 In the United States today, close to 100 million Americans are considered to be either “poor” or “near poor”.

#11 One university study estimates that child poverty costs the U.S. economy 500 billion dollars each year.

#12 Households that are led by a single mother have a 31.6 percent poverty rate.

#13 In 2010, 42 percent of all single mothers in the United States were on food stamps.

Once you research the numbers, you cannot help but look to your own U.S. Senators and House reps and see failure, duplicity and corruption. No excuses! How could men and women who are supposed to represent American citizens continually leave American citizens in the grips of poverty, joblessness and homelessness?

Some kind of moral, ethical and spiritual wrong grows in the nation’s capitol all the way up to the president. American citizens become its victims.

Do you think there is any chance of it changing and becoming better as that same U.S. Congress adds over 3.1 million immigrants every year on our way to adding 100 million immigrants within the next 38 years?