A Commentary by J. D.

The amygdala does a lot
more, but as I am most certainly NOT a brain surgeon, or a
shrink, I’ll stick to what I can look up on Wikipedia or Google, or some other
search engine.
For the purposes of this
tome, the above information will do just fine, thank you.
Here’s the thing, as they
say. If there IS such a thing as a gestalt, and that
gestalt has an amygdala,then it is most certainly working
There seems to be a growing
feeling, all over the world, that humanity is starring down the barrel of a
cosmic gun. We are waiting for something to happen, something rather
unpleasant. What it isexactly, we don’t know. But our collective
amygdala is screaming at us to “beware.”
There is much speculation
(most subdued, it seems to me) about the form in which the coming
disaster will arrive: famine, pestilence, war, economic, or something
else. Frankly, I suspect it will entail all of the above and then
some. I don’t see how a world-wide cataclysm could not.

No one, repeat
— NO ONE — has any idea how to stop this
In an article at Monty
Pelerin’s World the writer says the following: ” The US and other modern
industrialized nations are headed for economic collapse. Political excesses
created unwieldly and insolvent social welfare states in every modern democracy.
The notion of providing for those who cannot or do not provide for themselves
has limits. As Lady Margaret Thatcher expressed the
The writer goes on to
explain: “Those dependent on the welfare state are unaware that their benefits
are not sustainable. Most believe tomorrow will be like today and the checks
will keep coming from Mother Government. Political power was gained based on
promising these benefits. No politician will risk his position by trying to
reduce them. No democratic society has ever rolled them back via peaceful
political means.”
And the the writer
says THIS: “The financial hole dug by most social welfare states
is too deep to get out of. The finest turnaround manager in the world,
unconstrained by politics, would be unable to remedy the problems. The
mathematics of the problem are just too far gone. Radical cost-cutting and
proper economic policies can no longer work. Hope and change may work in a
political campaign, but slogans carry no weight against the iron laws of
The world is on the verge
of massive sovereign defaults.”
So much for the US avoiding
the so-called “fiscal cliff,” huh? We may have avoided the cliff only to
plunge head long off the lip of the economic Grand Canyon!
The writer at Monty Pelerin
goes on to say: “Welfare states have become zombie economies. These
“walking dead” are shells of what they once were. A failure in one probably
produces a domino effect that dooms all.”
He/she offers the following
as solutions:
“The Economic
This solution requires that
government spending be brought into line with revenues and held there (or below)
for a lengthy period of time. That requires reneging on many social promises and
possible sovereign debt defaults. A depression would occur. Homes would be
foreclosed and businesses closed.Wealth, defined in terms of physical assets, would be re-allocated. New owners and uses of assets would result. So, too, would a complete cleansing of the cancer that prevents economic growth. The economy would be traumatized, but recover rather quickly so long as government refrained from intervening. Pain and suffering are inevitable. Civil unrest is probable and so is the risk that government(s) could be overthrown.
This solution is horrible
in every sense but one — it is the better of two
So, what then is the worst
solution? The political solution. But according to the
writer there is NO political solution. Here’s what he/she
says: “There is no political solution, although that will not stop
politicians from pretending there is. “Pretend and extend” is all they can do.
Intervening with additional stimulus and more printed money buys some time, but
worsens the economic problems. Problems and distortions are made bigger,
requiring even more adjustment when they inevitably occur. Pursuing this
strategy flirts with currency destruction which would destroy the savings and
fixed incomes of the middle class.
The end result is the same
as the economic solution — a complete and total collapse of the economy. The
difference is that the collapse is more severe and that many may be destroyed in
a hyperinflationary blow-off.”
I found this article to be
awesome and I recommend you go over to the site and read it in its entirety.
You will find it here:
(By the way — “Monty
Pelerin” is a pseudonym derived from The Mont Pelerin Society. Just thought
you’d want to know).
Smart people make me feel
so, well, inadequate, you know? But then, I think about what the
writer has said and, slowly, I realize he/she is just expressing what so many of
us feel but have been unable to articulate. This writer just did it — and
did it extremely well.
It would appear the people
of earth (with apologies to science fiction writers everywhere) have just
passed the “point of no return.” We haven’t enough fuel to return
to our point of origin, and we have just discovered that we haven’t enough fuel
to reach our planned destination. In plain English: “We’re
Could THIS be
what our collective amygdala has been trying to warn us about. It explains the
global feeling of “unease” felt by so many across the
It is information presented
in such a way as this that compels one to look upon
the “preppers” with a new sense of respect. Could it be
they have been right all along? It is certainly beginning to look that
Now, if you think I am
taking this a bit too lightly, I assure you, I AM whistling past the
graveyard! For, you see, I share that feeling of tip-toeing along
the precipice of something unknown. And I have suspected for rather a long time
now that many more of my species feel the same nagging worry of impending doom.
The recent end of the world non-event was evidence of a sense of something
ending permeating our human society.
What do you do when there is nothing you can do? What do I do when it is the worst of bad nightmares for a control freak like “yours truly.” May we be so bold as to suggest the following: “1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber . 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep . 5 The LORD is thy keeper : the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.” … Psalm 121:1-6
What do you do when there is nothing you can do? What do I do when it is the worst of bad nightmares for a control freak like “yours truly.” May we be so bold as to suggest the following: “1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber . 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep . 5 The LORD is thy keeper : the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. 6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.” … Psalm 121:1-6
There comes a time in the
lives of all of us when we have zero control over events affecting us. The
unavoidable is, well, unavoidable.
A remnant will survive to
carry on and embrace whatever the future may hold. So, do humanity a
favor, and take notes! To avoid the unavoidable in the uncertain
future depends totally — upon not repeating our history of
See you on the other