In the messages on the Planet X of the 2012 Glorious Hope, Pastor Wind shared with us that the Solar System that our Earth situated in, is probably a Double Sun System. It means that the Sun we see every day, is not the only sun in the Solar System. Probably there is another Dark Star, which resolves with the sun with a binary circle of 22,000 to 26,000 years.
The Planet X is a Brown Dwarf which has never lit. Besides, it has a long elliptical orbit, which revolves around the Sun and the Dark Star for every 3,600 years. In 1972, NASA launched Pioneer 10 and 11 to seek for the Dark Star and the Planet X. Till 1983, NASA also launched IRAS, which discovered the Planet X. At the same time, they probably also discovered the existence of the Dark Star. However, few days after the release of the findings of the Planet X, NASA immediately changed their words and denied the existence of the Planet X and even the Dark Star.
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Indeed, the Double Sun System or a Multi-sun Solar System is a very common type of Solar System in the universe.
As early as 1970s to 1980s, the famous science popularization novelist Isaac Asimov, and the former spokesperson of NASA public relation and the legendary astronomer, Carl Sagan, they all believed in the existence of another Dark Star in the Solar System. Also, this Dark Star was the cause of catastrophe that happened regularly on Earth.
Three years before Isaac Asimov passed away, in 1989, he published a space science fiction called Nemesis. Nemesis pointed out that this Dark Star will cause catastrophe on Earth.
In the novel of Nemesis, Isaac Asimov once described why nobody took notice of this Dark Star. It is because it came from Earth’s far southern sky. So, most of the telescopes couldn’t even point in that direction.
"There was no reason to notice it. No one looked at it. It's in Earth's far southern sky, so that most of the telescopes in pre-Settlement days couldn't even point in that direction."
Indeed, this matches what Pastor Wind has described that the Planet X would come from the southern part of the Ecliptic of the Solar System, so that man could only see the star when they were in the South Pole with the telescope.
On February 17, 2011, the Astrophysicists of the University of Louisiana, John Matese and Daniel Whitmire both claimed that it was possible that outside the Solar System, there was another great planet called Tyche.
Indeed, on December 9, 2009, in the Preparation Camp of the 2012 Glorious Hope Message, Pastor Wind shared with us that, at the moment, other than the Sun we know and the nine planets including Pluto, there was another mysterious planet called the Planet X.
Coincidently, various information of the Planet X matched the information of Tyche.
For example, the data described that Tyche was very huge, which was bigger than Jupiter by 4 times, the biggest planet in the solar system with mass equals to 5,300 earths.
Similarly, Pastor Wind also shared with us that the Planet X was probably bigger than Jupiter by 4 times. This matched the information of the Tyche, which was discovered in 2011. Besides, it pointed out that Tyche ws similar to Jupiter, which was a gas planet formed by Hydrogen and Helium and a Brown Dwarf that not yet lit up.
This matched what Pastor Wind described about the Planet X, which wzs a Brown Dwarf too.
But , these scientists also pointed out that, they needed to use WISE Satellite Telescope to find out more information in order to prove the existence of this great planet Tyche and its location.
In the beginning of 2011, another Astronomer said to the public that Betelgeuse of Orion will probably collapse and explode as a supernova. And there will be two suns on the sky of the Earth for a few days.
Indeed, did NASA hide the fact from the public as early as 1984? It is because they do not want the public to know the fact that they have discovered the Planet X and the Dark Star for such a long period of time, since both of them will bring disasters to the Earth just like what is prophesied in the Revelation.