2013年7月14日 星期日

Relationship between the Feasts of Israel and the fetus development

Revelation 12: 1 - 2
A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
The heavenly signs mentioned in Revelation 12 actually describe the heavenly signs that appear during the Feast of Trumpets each year while verse 2 describes a pregnant woman in travail. <!--[endif]-->
What is relationship between the Feast of Trumpets and the pregnant woman in travail? <!--[endif]-->
The seven feasts of Israel, Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Firstfruits, Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, are for God to model his churches.
So, the seven feasts represent the path of the righteous, and even the period from a woman’s pregnancy until the birth of the baby. <!--[endif]-->
Because all the specifics of the seven feasts correspond to the process of pregnancy of a woman.  The first feast:
Passover on 14th of the first month represents the beginning of faith.
Jesus was crucified on the day of Passover, giving birth to the church.
Relatively, the fertilized egg appears on the 14th day after the mother is pregnant.
Hence, from generations to generations, in addition to lamb, Israelis would eat an egg during Passover. Afterwards, on the second to the sixth day, this egg will be implanted in the uterus of the pregnant woman, and begin to grow.
Corresponding to the second to sixth day after Passover, it is the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  It is also the wave offering during the Feast of Firstfruits. 
Jesus’ resurrection and ascension happened on the Feast of Firstfruits, three days after Passover.
He led a group of saints in paradise to heaven, and became the first fruits in the wave offering.
And then He came back and explained the Bible to His disciples, and shared the truth of the whole gospel.  Hence, the church on earth also became the first fruits.     
Fifty days after Passover, the Holy Spirit descended.  
The church was established, with body and organization. 
Compared to a fertilized embryo, it begins to have a human-shaped body, with hands, arms, fingers, legs, toes, eyes and head, after fifty days.
Four months later, the embryo is still growing.
This corresponds to the absence of feast within the four months after Pentecost. Until the first day of July, it is the Feast of Trumpets.  
At that time, Israelis would make sound by blowing the trumpets.  
All people in Jerusalem can hear.
But in fact, the fetus begins to have the sense of hearing on the first day of the seventh month. It can hear the words from his mother from outside.
Before that day, he cannot hear anything from outside.
From the first day to the tenth day on the seventh month, there is the chance of preterm birth, if the mother is careless.
This is the meaning of the labor pain described in the Feast of trumpets, in Revelation 12.
The tenth day of July is the Day of Atonement.  
It is also called the day in sackcloth and ashes.  It is the hardest day for Israelis.
Compared to the first to tenth day in July, when preterm birth may appear, on the tenth day the fetus would be more stable. Compared to the feast, the tenth of July is the Day of Atonement.  
The high priest would bring the blood of the lamb to enter the Holy of Holies, and sprinkle it seven times.
Compared to the tenth day of the seventh month, it is the day when the fetus can produce its own blood pigment.
Before that day, the fetus can only rely on the blood pigment from his mother.
The fetus can be independent with blood pigment.
The function of the blood pigment is to bring oxygen and food from the lung to other parts of the body, for energy supply.
The child has his own ability, just as his parents.  This is like the Day of Atonement.  
The blood of lamb represents the precious blood of Christ, which saves us, makes us reborn, for us to have the life, image and glory of God.
The fifteenth day of July is the Feast of Tabernacles.
The Feast of Tabernacles represents that we will have the revived body and can live in heaven with God.
Compared to the fetus, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, it can be born anytime because on that day, the fetus’ lung has developed completely.
Before this day, the baby would breathe in difficulty if it is born.
But after this day, he can breathe by himself.  He can live outside of his mother. In September, it is the Feast of Dedication, which is added apart from the law of Israeli.
During the Feast of Dedication, Israelis would place a lampstand which has nine lamps. The middle lamp will be ignited by the fire in the altar.
One lamp would be ignited each day, and all eight lamps will be ignited on the eighth day.
Hence, in John 1 God says Jesus Christ ignites our lamps.
Our lamps were lighted when we were born.
But when we sin and become the wicked, the lamps would be extinguished. Compared to the ninth month of pregnancy, all babies would be born.
On the eighth day after birth, the baby is to be circumcised.  It is the same day that the lamp is lighted.
Circumcision represents the removal of the sin of the baby, and become a lighted lamp in front of God.
The modern technology allows us to know the specific events that happen to the embryo on specific days.
But God has already fixed the feasts through Moses 3500 years ago.
We can see that the live drama of feasts is arranged supernaturally by God.
By the rehearsal of feasts, we need to leave the elementary teachings about Christ, grow up continuously to become the body of Christ, and attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ!

